Scalloped Circle Free File

Monday, September 22, 2008

Here is a FREEBIE File in the wpc format. It was requested, so I thought I'd share it with you all

Changing to an existing Color Tutorial

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sometimes when selecting colors, you may want to use a color already on the page and cannot figure out what it is an easy way to do that.

Outlining the Entire Title Tutorial

Ted and Barb had a question on why they weren't able to get their title to outline the inside pieces. Here is a very quick tutorial to show you how to make sure you can do that.

Fixing Stray Lines in the Engraving Fill Tutorial

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

First off, can I just say, I'm so happy to be making tutorials again (I know it is probably hard to tell...LOL) Anyway, this was a question on the forums a few weeks ago and I didn't have time to answer it the way I wanted, so here is the answer. I hope it helps.

For Mattie Tutorial

Mattie here ...try this.

Mastering the Arc Tool Tutorial

Here is a quickie tutorial to help you get a little better control on the arc tool.

Learning to Multiply Tutorial

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

This is NOT a MATH tutorial....LOL.

Manual Tracing Tutorial

Here is another tutorial to teach you how to Manually Trace around those images that just won't Auto Trace well enough to use effectively. Just another great option.

Customizing your Color Palette Tutorial

If you like to use the fill on your color palette and are tired of the same 13 colors and would like to add more colors, this is a quick tutorial to show you how to do this. I like to have many colors when I'm creating a paper piecing....see if you want to have more colors.
